When I had painted the BFG ships, the idea of painting some aircraft came to mind again. I was torn between aircraft from Crimson Skies and Aeronautica Imperials. But then I decided on Crimson Skies because I had wanted to paint models from them several times in the past.
I had received a few different types of aircraft, but unfortunately not all of the models were in good condition. So I only painted two planes: the heavy fighter McDonnell S2B Kestral and the plane that is the flagship of Crimson Skies, the iconic fighter Hughes P21-JMKIII Devestator.
Since I didn't know much about the lore of Crimson Skies and I wanted the planes to be simple and uniform, I decided on a gray color scheme. I could imagine this being a good fit for Blake Aviation Security, so I printed some suitable decals for the planes on transfer paper. And I'm very happy with the result.
The models have been finished for about a year now and I just didn't have time to take some photos.
Kestrel and Devestator (front)